Saturday, February 4, 2012

We are all Austrians now

(Included relevant information in brackets for those of you unfamiliar with 18th century European politics.)

"[Russian Empress] Catherine [II] sought the advice of a leading mathematician at the [Prussian] Academy of Sciences who had once been the tutor of the [Russian] Grand Duke Paul (and was the expert in cracking foreign ciphers), F.U.T. Aepinus, who came down strongly in favor of the Austrian system, which had been introduced in 1774 after the expulsion of the Jesuits. The Austrian system, based on that of the Augustinian Abbot Felbiger, who had worked for Frederick II in Silesia, comprised three levels of schools: normal schools, high schools and elementary schools...

Impressed by Aepinus's recommendations, Catherine set up a Commission on National Education in 1782, and asked [Holy Roman Emperor] Joseph II to send her a specialist in the Felbiger method who would be Orthodox by religion and speak a Slavonic language. He sent her F. Jankovič of Mirievo, an Orthodox Serbian, who became her principal adviser on educational policy." - Catherine the Great: A Short History - Isabel de Madariaga

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