Turns out my thesis might focus quite a bit on Batiushka Ioann, so settle in for the long haul.
O Jesus Christ, we pray to Thee, Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal One, have mercy on us and on all Thine world from all perishing. Thou hast redeemed our souls from sin by Thy blood. O, Pre-Eternal God, thine mercy is great, for the sake of Thy most pure Blood, always, now and ever, and unto the ages of ages.
The condition of the prayer is this: whoever has this prayer has to pass it along to nine persons and to read it at least once a day with faith. Then you will be freed of every evil and misfortune, and if you don't do it, you will be subjected to evil and misfortune.
- a chain letter from 1890, purportedly containing one of Father John's "secret, effective" prayers
(he repeatedly and publicly, in print and in person, denounced all such letters)
I used to see these in churches all the time, stuffed between the pages of the hymnals. "This prayer has never been known to fail," etc.